Rating a candidate's answers

Rating a candidate's answers How to rate a candidate's answers to video or essay questions 

There are two ways you can rate a candidate's video and essay answers. 

Basic rating

In the application view, you can watch a candidate's video or read their essay answer. 

Give each answer a star rating out of five by clicking on the relevant star.

You can change the rating at any time.

Tazio averages the rating given for each candidate’s answer and displays an overall rating in the application overview.

Criteria rating

When creating your assessment, you can choose to score each question against one or more criteria.  

If this option is selected, in the application view you will see one to five sliders for each of the criteria the answer is being rated against.

Note: Although criteria rating is always on a one to five scale, the score recorded will be based on the maximum score set for the criteria and that question.  

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